
The Chinese studies program combines intensive teaching in the Chinese language (Mandarin) with units that introduce you to the complexity, dynamism, and opportunity of China today.   Chinese studies offers instruction in the Chinese language from introductory to advanced proficiency, enabling both new language learners and background speakers to develop a … For more content click the Read More button below. Beyond language skills, Chinese studies also offers cornerstone units that introduce you to modern and contemporary China, as well as capstone units where you engage with the scholarship on some of the most pressing issues in the relationship between China and the world today; including socio-political history and political culture, ethnic diversity, and the relationships between overseas Sinophone communities and China today.  Majoring in Chinese studies, you will develop proficiency in speaking, reading, and writing in Chinese, deep knowledge of China’s past and present, critical engagement with such diverse disciplinary perspectives as anthropology, literature, political science, and sociology, as well as research and writing skills to facilitate independent and innovative research in Chinese studies and beyond. Placement tests and right of School to determine entry level To ensure that you are placed in the most appropriate language level according to your individual profile, all students, except beginners, are required to undertake placement testing prior to the start of their first semester of language study. You are not permitted to take classes that are below your tested language proficiency level. Once your place is determined, you will progress through the language units in a designated stream.  Overseas studyYou can replace language units with equivalent language study overseas in semester one, semester two, summer semester, or over a full year, at approved partner institutions in the People's Republic of China, Hong Kong or Taiwan. You must obtain approval from the Chinese program before enrolling in language study overseas units. You can similarly replace units through the China intensive language program. For a list of units, refer to the Languages, Literatures, Cultures and Linguistics Study Abroad webpage. AvailabilityChinese studies is listed in A2000 Bachelor of Arts at Clayton as a major and a minor, and in A0501 Diploma of Languages at Clayton as a major.

Elective study
For students wanting to undertake a Chinese studies unit as an elective utilising their free electives, please refer to the electives list in the Chinese studies minor. These elective units do not form part of the major, but are additional Chinese studies units available for those wishing to extend their learning in this field.

Intending honours students
If you are intending to enter honours in this area of study you must have completed a major in the discipline, with a minimum of 24 credit points of study at Level 3 to be eligible. Note: Double degree students are only required to complete 18 credit points of studies at Level 3.

Learning outcomes

In addition to achieving the broad outcomes of your course, and successfully completing this area of study, you will be able to:


Demonstrate linguistic competence at proficient level or higher in Chinese language;


Critically analyse China and global Sinophone communities through the in-depth study of their history, culture, society, politics, and relationship with the world;


Recognise the diversity of China and Sinophone communities and work across cultures with people of diverse backgrounds;


Critique the disciplinary approaches (cultural studies, history, politics, sociology, anthropology) through which knowledge about China is developed;


Combine Chinese language competence with other professional skills, including textual interpretation, research, translation, and interpreting.

48 credit points

Entry point 1 - Introductory48 credit points
Entry point 2 - Intermediate48 credit points
Entry point 3 - Proficient48 credit points
Entry point 4 - Advanced 1 and Advanced 248 credit points
Entry point 5 - Advanced 3 and Advanced 448 credit points
Entry point 648 credit points



Associate Professor Xiaoping Fang

Organisational contacts