Chief Examiner(s)
Unit Coordinator(s)
- If this is your language entry point, this unit requires a language entry level test.
- Students undertaking these units in Clayton must complete listed unit pre-requisites. Students applying for the Chinese intensive language program (an international study tour) must complete unit pre-requisites and in addition gain approval through this process.
This unit is taught either in intensive mode or across standard teaching periods. For intensive mode teaching dates, please refer to the non-standard dates website for the census date and information regarding financial penalties.
Learning outcomes
Read and write an additional 200 Chinese characters (700 in total).
Critically reflect on the basic syntax of Modern Standard Chinese and on the similarities and differences between it and English.
Employ a grammatical framework to analyse and describe the vernacular Chinese under study.
Orally communicate quantitatively and qualitatively in a range of everyday, practical situations.
Use cultural (socio-political) knowledge to enhance understanding of the texts under study and to communicate using appropriate levels of formality with Chinese from mainland China, Taiwan and various parts of the Chinese Diaspora.
Demonstrate language proficiency equivalent to Common European Framework of Reference (CEFR) level A2-.
Teaching approach
Assessment summary
Within semester assessment: 100%