Chief Examiner(s)
Unit Coordinator(s)
Learning outcomes
Demonstrate proficient comprehension of authentic materials in Chinese, Indonesian, Japanese or Korean, with the aid of glossaries and dictionaries;
Communicate complex ideas with clarity, concision and comprehensiveness, in both spoken and written forms in Chinese, Indonesian, Japanese or Korean;
Comprehend a range of historical and contemporary forms of intersection across different Asian societies and cultures and apply knowledge of these intersections in reflection on their own Asian language studies;
Utilise research skills to search for information through various sources, formulate ideas and opinions, think critically, and present their ideas in oral and written formats;
Contribute actively and reflexively to discussions and debates involving students with diverse experiences and expertise in the study of Asian languages and cultures.
Teaching approach
Assessment summary
Within semester assessment: 100%
Scheduled and non-scheduled teaching activities
Workload requirements
Availability in areas of study
Indonesian studies
Chinese studies
Korean studies