Mode and location
Learning outcomes
These course outcomes are aligned with the Australian Qualifications Framework and Monash Graduate Attributes.
Upon successful completion of this course it is expected that you will be able to:
This course is structured in three parts: Part A. Applied Mental Health foundation, Part B. Core studies and Part C. Application studies.
Part A. Applied Mental Health foundation
These studies will introduce you to mental health practice at a graduate level. They are designed to extend your existing understanding or experience and apply it specifically to mental health practice.
Part B. Core studies
The focus of these studies is to provide a core understanding of mental health practice at an advanced graduate level.
Part C. Application studies
The focus of these studies is to develop your expertise in a discipline and provide the knowledge and skills needed for the capacity to work and communicate regarding the practice of mental health across the borders of context or discipline.
Master's entry points
Depending on prior qualifications you may receive entry level credit (a form of block credit) which determines your point of entry to the course:
- if you are admitted at Entry level 1 you will complete 72 credit points, comprising Parts A, B, and C
- if you are admitted at Entry level 2 you will complete 48 credit points, comprising Parts B and C
Note: If you are eligible for credit for prior studies, you may elect not to receive the credit.
Course progression map
The course progression map provides guidance on unit enrolment for each semester of study.
72 credit points
Alternative exit(s)
You may exit this course early and apply to graduate with one of the following awards, provided you have satisfied the requirements for that award during your enrolment in this master's course:
- Graduate Certificate of Applied Mental Health (M4039) after successful completion of 24 credit points comprising all Part A units.
- Graduate Diploma of Applied Mental Health (M5034) after successful completion of 48 credit points comprising all Part A units and all Part B units.
Organisational contact information
+61 3 9903 1644