Chief Examiner(s)
Unit Coordinator(s)
Learning outcomes
Respect: Reflect on Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples’ and other indigenous peoples’ ways of knowing, being and doing, in the context of history, culture and diversity.
Reflection: Analyse how one’s own culture and dominant cultural paradigms influence perceptions of and interactions with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples and other indigenous peoples.
Communication: Examine culturally appropriate, safe and sensitive communication that facilitates trust and builds respectful relationships with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples and other indigenous peoples.
Safety and Quality: Reflect and apply evidence and strength-based best practice approaches in Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander and other indigenous peoples mental health and wellbeing.
Advocacy: Demonstrate advocacy for equitable outcomes and social justice in regard to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander and other indigenous peoples mental health and wellbeing.
Demonstrate adaptability in interpersonal communication, rapport building and empathic responding for cultural responsiveness and reflexivity in mental health care.
Assessment summary
Assessment in this unit includes hurdle assessment tasks. Failure of any hurdle assessment task may result in failure of the unit.