The Indonesian studies major develops in you the linguistic competence to negotiate commonly-encountered interactions in Indonesian, and follows that by equipping you with the skills necessary to perform successfully more complicated linguistic tasks such as translation, interpretation and commentary. You will acquire cultural skills by exploring a diversity of linguistic varieties, media and performance styles, and by developing fluency in the codes of politeness that enable successful communication in Indonesian settings. Varieties of Indonesian are studied as tools for successful communication as well as ways of understanding Indonesian diversity. Throughout the major, you will acquire research skills that prepare you for research connected with Indonesia in a disciplinary field of your choice, or in Indonesian area studies. You will acquire the linguistic and cultural skills that enable you to work in private and public settings where Indonesia expertise is required.
There are two streams within the major: 1. Introductory, for students with no previous knowledge of Indonesian or Malay and 2. Intermediate, for students with VCE Indonesian or its equivalent.
The major is taught by native speakers of Indonesian and researchers with experience working in Indonesian contexts.
Right of school to determine entry level and approve accelerated enrolment
The Indonesian studies program convenor retains the right to determine the proper proficiency level for any particular student. You are not permitted to accelerate your enrolment without first consulting the program convenor, nor can you elect to take classes that are below your proficiency level. If you are wishing to enrol in a language unit higher than introductory you need to complete a language entry level test to determine the language level you should be enrolled in.
You must sequentially progress through the language unit levels eg. Introductory, Intermediate, Proficient and Advanced. You are not permitted to take classes that are below their tested language proficiency level.
Overseas study
You are encouraged to take language study overseas, and to have such units accredited towards your degree. Monash is a member of the ACICIS consortium, an organisation which facilitates diverse study courses – including language study – in Indonesia. Monash students may select ACICIS courses and apply for accreditation, to a maximum of 24 points over the course of the undergraduate degree. You may take advantage of financial grants to support your language study in Indonesia.
Teaching language requirements
If you are intending to teach Indonesian you will need to complete an equivalent of three years post-VCE study.
Indonesian studies is listed in A2000 Bachelor of Arts at Clayton as a major and a minor, and in A0501 Diploma of Languages at Clayton as a major.