Chief Examiner(s)
Unit Coordinator(s)
Learning outcomes
Identify the key contemporary social institutions in a variety of local, national and transnational contexts in Asia;
Demonstrate a critical understanding of the key changes in social organisation and lifestyles in Asia today, and the regional and global dimensions of these changes;
Apply a range of disciplinary approaches to analyse major contemporary issues in Asian societies;
Employ appropriate strategies for communicating the findings of analysis to a range of audiences and stakeholders;
Reflect on the relevance of Asian experiences of social change to other national and individual circumstances;
Understand how cultural context affects the dynamics of individual and group empowerment in Asian societies, and communicate that understanding to others;
Read critically and engage with existing research, with the potential to facilitate life-long learning;
Demonstrate independent research skills including enquiry techniques, critical thinking, and advanced skills of oral and written communication.
Teaching approach
Assessment summary
Within semester assessment: 100%
Scheduled and non-scheduled teaching activities
Workload requirements
Learning resources
Availability in areas of study
Cultural competence
Global Asia
Indonesian studies
Japanese studies
Korean studies