This specialisation has had one or more changes made to it since publication on 1 October 2020. For details of changes, please consult the 2021 Change register.
Civil engineers design, construct, maintain and operate infrastructure for the benefit of society. You will acquire skills, knowledge and experience in mechanics; transport, … For more content click the Read More button below.
The specialisation in civil engineering will provide you with an opportunity to also pursue a minor in environmental engineering, mining engineering or renewable energy engineering.
AvailabilityCivil engineering is listed in E3001 Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) at Clayton as an undergraduate specialisation.
144 credit points
Parts C. and D. Civil engineering knowledge, application and professional practice108 credit points
Part E. Elective study - Specialisation36 credit points
Other area of study costs
Costs are indicative and subject to change.
Electronics, calculators and tools: scientific calculator approximately $40
Steel capped boots approximately $100
Dr Anna Lintern
Dr Daniel Kong