Chief Examiner(s)
Unit Coordinator(s)
Contact details
Unit Coordinators:
Dr Lim Mei Kuan (Software engineering)
Dr Veera Ragavan (Robotics and mechatronics engineering)
Associate Professor Wang Xin (Mechanical engineering)
Dr Patrick Ho (Electrical and computer systems engineering)
Dr Euniza Jusli (Civil engineering)
Dr Low Liang Ee (Chemical engineering)
Semester 2 offering: Enrolment in this teaching period is subject to approval by the Industry Training Coordinators.
Learning outcomes
Relate theoretical knowledge to engineering practice in workplace.
Follow professional engineering practices, and health and safety rules of the workplace.
Uphold engineering ethical principles and responsibilities, and have the ability to carry out engineering tasks given to acceptable standards.
Demonstrate the ability to communicate engineering tasks to relevant parties and the ability to write technical reports.
Show the ability to work independently and to collaborate with colleagues on common tasks effectively.
Exhibit the willingness and ability to engage in life-long learning.
Assessment summary
Continuous assessment: 100%