Earth science is a broad discipline that covers all aspects of the study of the Earth's physical environment and the interaction of that environment with the biosphere. It includes the disciplines of physical geography, geology, geophysics, and climate science. Earth science at Monash provides you with an integrated, comprehensive, and interdisciplinary perspective that will allow you to understand how the Earth's physical systems operate as well as equipping you to face some of the major global challenges such as climate change, land and water degradation, and resource exploration.
First year studies provide a strong background in geology, physical geography, and climate science, and higher year studies then build upon these foundations to explore processes and principles in more detail. Depending on the sequence of units chosen, you will gain a deep insight into: geological processes (such as plate tectonics, basin formation, volcanology, earthquakes, and the formation of ore deposits); the Earth's physical environment (such as rivers, groundwater, soils, and the landscape) and the interaction of physical systems and the biosphere; and/or the Earth's climate and how we understand and predict natural and anthropogenic climate change. Throughout the major there is an emphasis on integration of fundamental scientific principles, learning through enquiry and observation, and applications to real-world problems.
There are three streams available within this major: the Earth's physical environment, the Earth's climate, and Geosciences. You can follow any of these streams or take units across streams to complete a generic stream*.
There are many career options available for Earth science graduates. They work as scientists in companies that focus on mineral exploration, contaminant remediation, and water resources or in federal and state government agencies such as CSIRO, the Environmental Protection Agency, and the Bureau of Meteorology. If combined with knowledge of environmental legislation, policy, or management, they may work in management roles for non-government or government organisations, including government departments. There is also a role as educators in schools and tertiary education systems.
Earth science is listed in S2000 Bachelor of Science, S3001 Bachelor of Science Advanced - Global challenges (Honours) and S3002 Bachelor of Science Advanced - Research (Honours) at Clayton as a minor, major, or extended major.