Chief Examiner(s)
Unit Coordinator(s)
Scheduled teaching activities and/or workload information are subject to change in response to COVID-19, please check your Unit timetable and Unit Moodle site for more details.
Learning outcomes
Recognise and describe different styles of mineralisation and associated alteration in rock specimens and thin sections.
Describe the characteristic mineralogical, structural and host-rock features of a range of important mineral deposit types.
Explain the current hypotheses for genesis of a range of mineral deposit types.
Combine scientific data to form a hypothesis that can be used in mineral exploration for a range of ore deposit types.
Combine scientific data to design and evaluate strategies to efficiently and economically extract ores from known mineral deposits.
Work as a geologist in the minerals industry.
Teaching approach
Scheduled and non-scheduled teaching activities
Workload requirements
Learning resources
Other unit costs
Costs are indicative and subject to change.
One-day field trip to Bendigo to visit an underground mine and old surface workings. Expected cost $80. A limited number of fieldtrip scholarships are available via application to the Unit Coordinator. Alternative assessment is available for students with special consideration