Chief Examiner(s)
Unit Coordinator(s)
Due to COVID-19 restrictions this unit will not be running in semester 2 2020.
Learning outcomes
Apply the basic principles of geological mapping in a variety of settings;
Measurement and document structural, lithological and stratigraphic data in the field and use this data to analyse the geological evolution of a region;
Construct accurate geological maps and cross-sections based on acquired field data;
Analyse and interpret geological maps;
Demonstrate their comprehension of the origin of field-based geological information presented in the literature;
Synthesize large amounts of geological data and express the findings both orally and as a written scientific report;
Practice safe behaviour in the field.
Teaching approach
Scheduled and non-scheduled teaching activities
Workload requirements
Other unit costs
Costs are indicative and subject to change.
The compulsory field trip to Buchan, East Gippsland, Victoria, will be approximately $550 per student. This covers the cost of accommodation, three meals per day and all transportation. A limited number of fieldtrip scholarships are available via application to the Unit Coordinator. During the field trip students will be provided with: compass-clinometers, hand lenses, mapping boards, base maps, mylar and tracing paper.