This field-based unit is taught on location in the National Park/World Heritage Area of Cinque Terre on the Italian Riviera. Identified by UNESCO as an environment and cultural landscape worth preserving, the region is under immense pressure due to climate change, rural depopulation, abandonment of agricultural lands, landscape instability, and … For more content click the Read More button below.
Enrolment Rule
Chief Examiner(s)
Professor Nigel Tapper
Unit Coordinator(s)
Professor Nigel Tapper
Learning outcomes
On successful completion of this unit, you should be able to:
Understand the range of complex environmental, social and economic interrelationships that shape a particular region and to be able to differentiate a cultural landscape from a natural landscape;
Understand the criteria and processes that lead to the designation of a World Heritage Area and to be able to identify, describe and interpret problems of sustainability in the context of a region of truly global significance;
Have gained practical experience in problem formulation and solution using field-based techniques of survey and analysis, along with appropriate presentation skills.
Assessment summary
Within semester assessment: 100%
Comprising a presentation: 25%
Field studies journal: 25%
Research report: 50%
Workload requirements
Availability in areas of study
Earth science
Geographical science
Human geography
Geographical science
Human geography