
The Diploma of Languages will provide you with the opportunity to complete a major in one of the languages offered by the University, while completing a single or double bachelor's degree. It will allow you to study your chosen language starting from a number of different entry points - whether … For more content click the Read More button below.

Mode and location

On campus

Learning outcomes

These course outcomes are aligned with the Australian Qualifications Framework and Monash Graduate Attributes.

Upon successful completion of this course it is expected that you will be able to:


The Diploma of Languages is an additional course of study available concurrently to students completing a single or double bachelor's degree. The course requires you to study the equivalent of one further year of full-time study, taken part-time over three years.

Alternative exit(s)


Organisational contact information

Tel: 1800 MONASH (1800 666 274) or visit the Arts undergraduate programs website