
This course enables development of clinical practice and research skills required for appropriately qualified health professionals to become sonographers. The clinical units include abdominal, breast, thyroid, reproductive, obstetrics, musculoskeletal, paediatric, neonatal, and vascular medical ultrasound. The course resources are provided mainly online. The material is structured to guide the student … For more content click the Read More button below.

Mode and location

Off campus

Learning outcomes

These course outcomes are aligned with the Australian Qualifications Framework and Monash Graduate Attributes.

Upon successful completion of this course it is expected that you will be able to:


demonstrate a mastery of ultrasound knowledge and be able to reflect critically on ultrasound theory, practice and scholarship


demonstrate knowledge and understanding of the scientific concepts and principles underpinning ultrasound practice including optimisation of equipment, quality assurance and biological consequences


investigate, analyse, synthesise and reflect on complex information, problems, concepts and theories and to apply this knowledge and understanding to ultrasound practice


assume the role of a qualified/accredited medical sonographer, capable of independent and collaborative clinical decision making to perform the appropriate ultrasound procedures to assist in the diagnosis and treatment of illness and injury


demonstrate and apply a knowledge of research principles, evidence based, reflective and ethical ultrasound practice, as well as lifelong learning skills


communicate their knowledge, findings and rationale underpinning these to the professional and lay community clearly, ethically and unambiguously.


Professional recognition

The course is accredited by the Australian Sonographers Accreditation Registry (ASAR).


The course is structured in three parts: Part A. Ultrasound foundation studies, Part B. Applied ultrasound practice and Part C. Ultrasound research.

Part A. Ultrasound foundation studies

These studies will develop your understanding of the scientific and technical principles of diagnostic ultrasound scanning and scanning modes. You will develop an understanding of embryology, anatomy and pathophysiology as well as image evaluation skills related to cross-sectional and regional anatomy.

Part B. Applied ultrasound practice

These studies address clinical competencies required for ultrasound practice. You will learn the sonographic scanning techniques, interpretational skills and standard protocols related to examinations of breast, thyroid, abdominal, reproductive system, obstetric, cardiovascular and musculoskeletal systems as well as the paediatric brain, hips and abdomen.

Part C. Ultrasound research

The focus of these studies is to develop the knowledge and skills to locate, critically evaluate and conduct research relevant to medical ultrasound practice. You will gain an understanding of research theories and methods for health research and will focus on a range of practical, technical and management issues associated with the conduct of scientific research. Access to academics and clinicians offering projects will support you during all stages of the inquiry process. You will gain theoretical knowledge of research design and methods used in undertaking research with the practical skills to conduct your own research.

Course progression map

The course progression map provides guidance on unit enrolment for each semester of study.

72 credit points

Part A. Ultrasound foundation studies 12 credit points
Part B. Applied ultrasound practice36 credit points
Part C. Ultrasound research24 credit points

Alternative exit(s)

You may exit this course early and apply to graduate with one of the following awards, provided you have satisfied the requirements indicated for that award during your enrolment in this master's course:

  • Graduate Certificate in Medical Ultrasound after successful completion of 24 credit points of study, with a minimum of 24 credit points at level 4 or above
  • Graduate Diploma in Medical Ultrasound* after successful completion of 48 credit points of study including all of Parts A and B.

* This meets the qualification requirement to gain accreditation with the Australian Sonographer Accreditation Registry (ASAR) to practice as a qualified sonographer in Australia.

Progression to further studies

Successful completion of this course may provide a pathway to a graduate research degree for students who have completed the units SON5000 and SRH5003 with a minimum distinction (70%).

Course director(s)

Dr Paul Lombardo