Chief Examiner(s)
Unit Coordinator(s)
Learning outcomes
Identify, describe and explain fetal and placental development, circulation and anomalies;
Describe and explain the genetics, indications and use of ultrasound in the prenatal diagnosis of congenital anomalies and the application of ethics in obstetric ultrasound examinations;
Describe and explain appropriate sonographic imaging techniques to demonstrate normal embryonic processes and pathology visible in the first trimester, including ectopic pregnancy, normal and abnormal feto-placental anatomy;
Assess gestational age and growth in the second and third trimesters and growth disorders in the third trimester;
Implement the knowledge and interpretative skills gained in this unit to perform routine transabdominal, transvaginal and transperineal sonographic examinations involving the 1st, 2nd and 3rd trimesters in both single and multiple pregnancies safely and to a standard and ethical conduct expected of a competent sonographer*
Recognise and describe placental abnormalities and foetal death, normal embryonic processes and pathology visible in the first, second and third trimesters. * The level of the competency obtained will be dependent on access to obstetric ultrasound clinical experience. There is provision to perform to a lower standard (advanced beginner) as many students now have limited or restricted access to ultrasound practice.
Assessment summary
This unit is exempt from the grading and results update provision to offer supplementary assessments. Check the grading and results update page to find out which teaching periods this exemption applies to.