Chief Examiner(s)
Unit Coordinator(s)
Learning outcomes
Ultrasound production, propagation and tissue interactions and the focusing and steering of ultrasound beams;
The instrumentation, performance and use of A-mode, real-time B-mode and M-mode scanning in ultrasound practice;
The Doppler effect and Doppler modes used in diagnostic ultrasound to image vascular flow including spectral, colour and power modes;
Image quality, relevant image processing, the recognition of artefacts and instrument calibration;
Safety issues in medical ultrasound, bio-effects and potential bio-hazards;
Advances in harmonic imaging the use of contrast agents and future trends on transducer technologies.
Assessment summary
This unit is exempt from the grading and results update provision to offer supplementary assessments. Check the grading and results update page to find out which teaching periods this exemption applies to.