
The initial component introduces key principles of medicolegal practice, medical ethics and professional communication. In the second part of the unit, the breast and thyroid are used as exemplars to relate these principles to the practice of medical ultrasound. Sonographic scanning methods and techniques for examinations of the breast and … For more content click the Read More button below.




Chief Examiner(s)

Dr Paul Lombardo

Unit Coordinator(s)

Dr Paul Lombardo

Learning outcomes

On successful completion of this unit, you should be able to:

Interpret, compare and explain the key principles of medical law, medical ethics and the control of infection;


Identify and describe potential medico-legal and ethical situations arising from sonographic practice and the communication of sonographic findings to patients, radiologists or sonologists and referring medical practitioners;


Apply information gathering techniques, summarize information and record a clinical history;


Perform routine sonographic examinations of the breast and thyroid safely and to a standard and ethical conduct expected of a competent sonographer;


Identify and describe normal and abnormal sonographic appearances of the breast and thyroid and related artefacts;


Recognise when modifications to routine scanning approaches are required and describe the limitations of ultrasound in regards to imaging the breast and thyroid.

Assessment summary

This unit is exempt from the grading and results update provision to offer supplementary assessments. Check the grading and results update page to find out which teaching periods this exemption applies to.


1 - Compulsory attainment of a requisite number of ultrasound examinations
2 - Clinical Skills assessment
3 - Journal Part A - Medico legal (1500 words) (15%), Journal Part B - Ethics (1000 words) (10%)
4 - 2 x Clinical assignments (1,000 words (10%) each)
5 - Written examination (1 hour) (30%) and Image recognition examination (30 min) (15%)

Workload requirements


Learning resources

Required resources

Availability in areas of study

Medical ultrasound