
This specialisation has had one or more changes made to it since publication on 1 October 2020. For details of changes, please consult the 2021 Change register. Mechanical engineering focuses on turning energy into motion and power - any practical device that moves has required a mechanical engineer to design … For more content click the Read More button below. AvailabilityMechanical engineering is listed in E3001 Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) at Clayton and Malaysia as an undergraduate specialisation. 

You must satisfy the continuous professional development or industrial training required to complete the course. See ENG0001 (for Clayton) or ENG0002 (for Malaysia).

144 credit points

Part E. Elective study - Specialisation36 credit points

Other area of study costs

Costs are indicative and subject to change.
Electronics, calculators and tools: scientific calculator approximately $40



Dr Lau Ee Von
Professor Wing Chiu