Chief Examiner(s)
Unit Coordinator(s)
Learning outcomes
Integrate, apply and build upon knowledge from previous core units in the study of the molecular mechanisms and defects that cause human disease, including how developmental errors and gene abnormalities may lead to abnormalities in protein structure and function.
Discuss and evaluate the role of molecular techniques in the diagnosis of human diseases and the design of targeted therapies or specific treatments.
Explain and predict the principles of pharmacokinetics and how these can influence the therapeutic use of drugs.
Explore and analyse how patient factors (including genetics) can lead to interindividual variation in responses to drugs.
Describe and apply skills required to undertake biomedical research activities and apply this to develop a career plan.
Synthesise, integrate and summarise information from fundamental principles and techniques in biomedical sciences, then apply it to broader contexts.
Work effectively and collaboratively in small teams and evaluate peer and self-performance.
Present data and scientific ideas, in oral, written and visual forms using scientific language or plain English as appropriate.
Assessment summary
- Small group learning (5,000 words equivalent) 40% - hurdle
- Lecture workshops (1,000 words equivalent) 10%
- Mid-semester test (50 min) 10%
- End of semester exam (3 hours and 10 minutes) 40% - hurdle
Assessment in this unit includes hurdle assessment tasks. Failure of any hurdle assessment task may result in failure of the unit.