
This unit introduces the student to the fundamental units of life (the cells) and explores how cells come together to form primary tissues which subsequently combine to form the organ systems and ultimately the living organism. Cellular structure and metabolism is studied including the chemical constituents of living cells and … For more content click the Read More button below. The unit also introduces students to the microbial world and explores the structure and function of the immune system and how the body develops an immune response.




Enrolment Rule


Chief Examiner(s)

Associate Professor Julia Choate

Unit Coordinator(s)

Dr Chantal Hoppe

Learning outcomes

On successful completion of this unit, you should be able to:

Describe the properties and function of cells and explain how the primary tissue types combine to form a complete organism;


Describe the effects of cellular mechanisms and environmental impacts on human development, and identify how they are applied in health and biotechnology;


Describe the ways in which organisms regulate their internal systems and environment;


Explain the principles behind the development of an immune response and the role of microorganisms in health and disease;


Implement basic laboratory techniques and associated research informed reports


Effectively collaborate with peers in the communication of scientific information .

Assessment summary

  • Team video assessment (15%)
  • Practical class reports (25%)
  • Mid-semester summative test (1 hour) (10%)
  • Final exam (2 hours and 10 minutes) (50%) (hurdle)

Assessment in this unit includes hurdle assessment tasks. Failure of any hurdle assessment task may result in failure of the unit.

Workload requirements


Availability in areas of study

Biomedical science