
This unit is an introduction to geological systems responsible for formation of metalliferous ore deposits. These are the mineral resources that are essential for our renewable energy future. The tectonic settings of ore deposits are considered within the context of the plate tectonic paradigm, and global metallogenic events throughout Earth's … For more content click the Read More button below.




Enrolment Rule


Chief Examiner(s)

Professor Joel Brugger

Unit Coordinator(s)

Professor Joel Brugger

Learning outcomes

On successful completion of this unit, you should be able to:

Recognise and describe different metal-rich minerals in rock specimens and thin sections, and explain their relationship to the needs of renewable energy technology;


Describe the characteristic mineralogical, structural and host-rock features of a range of important mineral deposit types;


Explain the current hypotheses for genesis of a range of mineral deposit types;


Integrate scientific data to form a hypothesis that can be used in mineral exploration for a range of ore deposit types;


Combine scientific data to design and evaluate strategies to efficiently and economically extract metals from known mineral deposits;


Work as a geologist in the minerals industry.

Teaching approach

Field trips


1 - Practical laboratory work
2 - Semester-long exploration simulation project
3 - In-semester mineral identification exam
4 - Field excursion

Scheduled and non-scheduled teaching activities


Workload requirements


Other unit costs

Costs are indicative and subject to change.
Field trip estimated cost is $80.

A limited number of field trip scholarships are available via application to the Unit Coordinator. Alternative assessment is available for students with special consideration. Adequate clothing and protective footwear (closed) appropriate for field work and working outdoors MUST be worn and are at your expense.

Availability in areas of study

Earth Science