
The Monash Master of Food Science and Agribusiness is a forward thinking, interdisciplinary degree. It recognises the urgency to address the future of human food supply in the face of global population and environmental pressures, and the dependence of human welfare and geopolitical stability on food supply adequacy and accessibility. … For more content click the Read More button below.

Mode and location

On campus

Learning outcomes

These course outcomes are aligned with the Australian Qualifications Framework and Monash Graduate Attributes.

Upon successful completion of this course it is expected that you will be able to:


Evaluate and integrate knowledge of science, technologies and nutritional impacts surrounding food, and the interdependence of drivers of agribusiness, innovation and food security that affect food supply.


Evaluate and integrate approaches to problem solving in food science and agribusiness within their chosen focus, including: science, biotechnology, engineering, nutrition, marketing and consumer science, global agribusiness and future food supply.


Apply expert, specialised cognitive, research, technical and communication skills to analyse and design solutions to problems relevant to food science and agribusiness.


Reflect and participate constructively in strategic and outcome-aware decision making consistent with impact areas relevant to food science and agribusiness.


The course is structured in four parts. Part A. Food science foundation studies, Part B. Food agribusiness studies, Part C. Advanced food science and agribusiness studies, Part D. Advanced practice.

PART A. Food science foundation studies
In these studies you will develop an understanding of primary science disciplines involved with food production and human nutrition and how they relate specifically to food.

PART B. Food agribusiness studies
These studies will introduce you to the disciplines beyond science or cross-disciplinary aspects of agribusiness including global trade, consumer perspectives, future trends and a practical demonstration of concepts learned in Parts A and B.

PART C. Advanced food science and agribusiness studies
In this part you will develop specialist expertise in topic selections of choice, either science, non-science or both, to reflect the aspect of expertise in the food industry or research to which you see your career advancing. You will become competent in the topic areas per se and the interdependencies and interactions of respective topics in decision-making.

PART D. Advanced practice
In this part you will undertake experimental research or professional development that will permit advanced practice of knowledge and experience in your preferred area of specialisation. You have two options. The first option is a research project based at Monash University in any of the seven discipline areas covered in Part C. If you wish to use this master’s course as a pathway to a higher degree by research you should take this option. The second option is an internship in a food company or food industry service provider.

Master's entry points

  • If you are admitted at entry level 1 you complete 96 points, comprising Parts A, B, C and D.
  • If you are admitted at entry level 2 you complete 72 points, comprising Parts B, C and D.
  • If you are admitted at entry level 3 you complete 48 points, comprising Parts B and C

Note: If you are eligible for credit for prior studies you may elect not to receive the credit and complete one of the higher credit-point options.

The course progression map provides guidance on unit enrolment for each semester of study.

96 credit points

Part A. Food science foundation studies24 credit points
Part D. Advanced practice 24 credit points

Alternative exit(s)

You may exit this course early and apply to graduate with one of the following awards, provided you have satisfied the requirements for that award during your enrolment in the master's course:

  • Graduate Diploma of Food Science and Agribusiness after successful completion of 48 points of study, with at least 18 points from units in Parts B and C.
  • Graduate Certificate of Food Science and Agribusiness, after successful completion of 24 points, with at least 12 points from units in Part B.

Progression to further studies

Successful completion of this course may provide a pathway to a graduate research degree. You will need to demonstrate a strong academic record and undertake the 24 point food science and agribusiness research project in Part D.

Organisational contact information

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