Mode and location
Learning outcomes
These course outcomes are aligned with the Australian Qualifications Framework and Monash Graduate Attributes.
Upon successful completion of this course it is expected that you will be able to:
The course is structured in four parts: Part A. Environment and sustainability core studies, Part B. Specialisation preparatory studies, Part C. Specialist studies, and Part D. Advanced practice. All students complete Part A and Part C. Depending upon prior qualifications, you may receive credit for Part B or Part D or a combination of the two.
Note: If you are eligible for credit for prior studies you may elect not to receive the credit.
Part A. Environment and sustainability core studies
In these studies you will develop an understanding of the interactions and interdependence between nature, society and the economy, and the basic principles of sustainability (social, economic and environmental).
Part B. Specialisation preparatory studies
These studies will introduce you to advanced undergraduate or graduate level studies in your specialisation. They are intended for students whose previous qualification (or experience) is not in a cognate field to the specialisation. These studies will develop the discipline knowledge and skills required to study the specialisation of your choice.
Part C. Specialist studies
In this part you will develop expertise in one specialist area of environment and sustainability, and the research skills or knowledge needed either to undertake independent research or for the capacity to work and communicate across the borders of discipline, context or culture.
Part D. Advanced practice
In this part you will undertake professional or scholarly work that will contribute to a portfolio of professional development in your area of specialisation. You have two options:
- a program of coursework study where you select the units to suit your own interests. This option includes the opportunity to undertake an internship in the field or an interdisciplinary project.
- a 24 point research thesis. If you wis to use this master's course as a pathway to a higher degree by research you should take this second option.
Master's entry points
If you are admitted at:
- entry level 1 you complete 96 points, comprising Parts A, B, C and D
- entry level 2 you complete 72 points, comprising Parts A, C and D
- entry level 3 you complete 48 points, comprising Parts A and C.
Note: If you are eligible for credit for prior studies you may elect not to receive the credit and complete one of the higher credit-point options.
The course progression map provides guidance on unit enrolment for each semester of study.
96 credit points
Alternative exit(s)
You may exit this course early and apply to graduate with one of the following awards, provided you have satisfied the requirements for that award during your enrolment in this master's course:
- Graduate Certificate of Environment and Sustainability after successful completion of 24 credit points including at least 12 credit points from Part A, with at least 18 credit points at level 4 or above
- Graduate Diploma of Environment and Sustainability after successful completion of 48 credit points of study, including 24 credit points from Part A, and at least 12 credit points from Part C or Part D.
Progression to further studies
Successful completion of this course may provide a pathway to a graduate research degree. You will need to demonstrate a strong academic record and undertake the 24 credit point research project in Part D.
Organisational contact information
Telephone: 1800 MONASH (1800 666 274)
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