Psychology is the study of mind and behaviour. It is a broad scientific discipline that includes investigations of the brain, learning, memory, perception, reasoning, decision making, language, developmental and social processes, personality, and mental health and well-being. It is also concerned with the practical and ethical applications of psychological research to the profession.
The psychology major is research-led and based on the scientist-practitioner model of education whereby you will learn about professional practice within a scientific perspective. You will then able to make informed choices about psychology-related careers and about further training at the fourth year and postgraduate level, both being required to practice as a psychologist in Australia.
If you are studying in an APAC-accredited course, you may complete the ten unit (60 point) extended major, accredited by the Australian Psychology Accreditation Council (APAC) and intended for those who wish to specialise in psychology. This option provides a pathway to further study in psychology and to the training required to practise as a psychologist in Australia.
Alternatively you may complete an eight-unit (48 point) major in psychology, which will be sufficient to satisfy the requirements for a major in the 'Relevant courses' listed below. This option is for students who do not wish to become registered psychologists but have an interest in psychology or for whom the study of psychology complements their other expertise.
Progression to honours
If you are completing a relevant course with a 60-point APAC-accredited major sequence in psychology you are eligible to apply for entry to a fourth year in psychology through an honours year or equivalent. Refer to the psychology honours entry in this Handbook.
Psychology is listed as a minor, major or APAC-accredited extended major (10 unit, 60 points) in the Bachelor of Arts at Clayton, in the Bachelor of Arts and Social Sciences at Malaysia, in the Bachelor of Science at Clayton and Malaysia, and in the Bachelor of Science Advanced - Global Challenges (Honours) and the Bachelor of Science Advanced - Research (Honours) at Clayton.