Chief Examiner(s)
Unit Coordinator(s)
Learning outcomes
Understand the most important applications of cognitive psychological research and theory
Demonstrate an understanding of the practical and theoretical skills underlying several major methods for conducting cognitive and perceptual psychological research
Explain the central problem faced by any perceptual system and be able to use this as a framework to think about the evolution of perceptual principles and current theories of perception
Summarise the broad principles of perception which apply to all modalities including neurophysiological mechanisms at the levels of receptors, pathways, and brain structures; top-down and bottom up processing, and feature detection, and the constructive nature of perception
Describe the sensory and perceptual processes specific to vision, audition and speech perception
Summarise and evaluate the major theoretical and research approaches within cognitive psychology
Review historical and current theory on basic cognitive processes, such as learning, memory and attention
Understand topics related to the application and manipulation of cognitive information, such as language, problem solving and decision making.
Assessment summary
- 2 x Lab assignments (worth 20% each) (40%)
- 1 x Class presentation (10%)
- Examination (25% Perception; 25% Cognition) (2 hours and 10 minutes) (50%)
Workload requirements
Other unit costs
Costs are indicative and subject to change.
Electronics, calculators, tools:
Recommended: webcam and microphone (available with a smartphone)
Availability in areas of study
Psychological science