Chief Examiner(s)
Unit Coordinator(s)
An application is required to enrol in this internship unit.
Please visit the Science Industry Experience website for information about application dates.
Learning outcomes
Demonstrate leadership, an entrepreneurial mindset, and cultural intelligence by identifying and liaising with individuals or organisations to develop an internship plan'
Execute an internship project with a high degree of independence, professionalism and accountability;
Demonstrate the knowledge, skills and attributes required for the professional workplace in a relevant science or applied science setting;
Actively seek out and act upon constructive feedback.
Analyse professional skills through critical reflective practice and create a plan to improve an under-developed skill in the context of work-readiness;
Identify and convey the knowledge, skills and attributes required for the professional workplace in the global world.
Create a deliverable and communicate effectively using oral, written and visual forms to peers, academics and placement supervisors.
Teaching approach
Scheduled and non-scheduled teaching activities
Workload requirements
Other unit costs
If you are travelling overseas you may be eligible for support from Monash Abroad. Supporting documentation can be provided by the unit coordinator on request.