Chief Examiner(s)
Unit Coordinator(s)
Learning outcomes
Develop a comprehensive advocacy strategy on how an advocacy group will operate. This includes a brief to a government official, a digital and written appeal to a relevant stakeholder and an organisational memo outlining how you operate as an advocacy group;
Consider the ways in which groups of people strategically undertake advocacy campaigns to affect change;
Work with others to critically evaluate advocacy opportunities and develop targeted strategies which enable impactful change;
Integrate feedback from peers and mentors to make improvements in how you collaborate as a team and organise yourself within an advocacy group pushing for change;
Develop a deeper understanding of the importance of tailoring information and content to specific audiences to maximise the accessibility and impact of information;
Demonstrate teamwork capacity and knowledge of leadership by using a collaborative approach to examine the advocacy and communication strategies needed to maximise impact and change;
Develop a plan for their first internship.