Chief Examiner(s)
Unit Coordinator(s)
Learning outcomes
Appraise a design brief for a conceptual design study for a specific chemical product, feedstock and location and deliberate on the most appropriate technology for this brief.
Synthesise a chemical process which reflects on efficiency, values inherent safety and mitigates environmental impacts, and demonstrates conservation of mass and energy.
Design a specific area of the plant at a "detailed design level", by generating specification sheets of equipment and a detailed process design of a specific equipment item including detailed engineering drawings.
Generate Piping & Instrumentation Diagrams for a specific design area and reflect on these drawings by assessing the safety of the process individually and as a part of a HAZOP team.
Generate a plant layout that mitigates any risks associated with the process that has been designed and assesses the environmental impacts of the process at the plant level and over the whole product life cycle.
Generate capital and operating cost estimates, and assess the financial viability of the project, and determine the sensitivity to various engineering and commercial factors, and appraise the project viability.
Plan and prioritise the steps required in a conceptual design and monitor the performance of individuals and the team against these plans.
Generate written design reports and justify the preparatory work for these reports through progress reports, professional communications with academic and industry advisors and interviews.
Teaching approach
Assessment summary
Continuous assessment: 100%
Supplementary assessment
Supplementary assessment is not available for this unit. Check the supplementary assessments page for details about exemptions.
Scheduled and non-scheduled teaching activities
Workload requirements
Learning resources
Other unit costs
The following items are mandatory for practical aspects of the unit and should be purchased at your own cost as you will be reusing them throughout your course.
- Calculator
- Protective clothing and equipment:
- Laboratory coat (Approximately AUD35 to AUD55)
- Safety glasses (Approximately AUD8)
- Laboratory-appropriate enclosed footwear (Non-porous material, equipped with non-absorbent, slip-resistant soles)
Costs are indicative only.