
This unit provides an introduction to the rules and practices that regulate international trade and commerce. Turning first to the way in which trade between nation states is regulated, the unit introduces the World Trade Organisation and the key disciplines of international trade law before considering the contribution that the … For more content click the Read More button below. The unit then moves to introduce the framework of laws that apply when business professionals trade goods internationally. Using examples of the contracts, documents and processes involved in the international sale and transport of goods, you will develop an understanding of the principal rights and obligations of the parties and available remedies for the purpose of ensuring that traders are aware of, and can avoid, the legal risks and disputes that can arise in international commerce.




Chief Examiner(s)

Dr Jadranka Petrovic

Learning outcomes

On successful completion of this unit, you should be able to:

understand the framework of trade rules that regulate international trade between nation states and how the rules are made, applied and impact the goals of development and nation states' domestic regulatory authority


understand that principal legal rights, obligations and remedies available to parties in fundamental international commercial contracts and a familiarity with fundamental documents and instruments used in these transactions


identify, analyse and avoid or resolve legal problems in an international trade and commercial law context


develop problem-solving, negotiation and team-work, presentation, research and writing skills.

Teaching approach

Research activities
Active learning
Case-based teaching
Problem-based learning
Simulation or virtual practice


1 - Within semester assessment

Scheduled and non-scheduled teaching activities


Workload requirements
