
By combining science with studies in arts, humanities or social sciences this double degree course provides you with powerful communication and critical thinking skills coupled with a strong technological or scientific base. It offers over 60 study areas to select from. You might pair criminology with chemistry and take human … For more content click the Read More button below. If you're uncertain about which areas of study you like best, our course advisors will help you plan a course of study.

Mode and location

On campus

Learning outcomes

These course outcomes are aligned with the Australian Qualifications Framework and Monash Graduate Attributes.

Students in the double degree course achieve the Course Learning Outcomes of the two partner courses.


Double degree courses include the features of the component degree courses, except that electives may be reduced.


S2000 Bachelor of Science is a comprehensive course and it will provide you with a broad, general science education, as well as specialist training in one or more science disciplines. This course is structured in three equal parts. In the double degree course you complete:

Part A. Science specified study

This will provide you with the mathematical or statistical foundation for your study of science. It will also expose you to several science disciplines contributing breadth to your understanding of science and giving you the opportunity to learn about several disciplines before finalising your choice of major.

Part B. Science listed major

This will provide you with a focused program of study that will develop your expertise in one discipline area. You will learn to develop, apply and communicate an advanced level of understanding of the concepts and theoretical frameworks that constitute the knowledge base of the discipline.


A2000 Bachelor of Arts is a comprehensive course structured in three equal parts. In the double degree course you complete:

Part A. Arts listed major

This will provide you with a focused program of study that will develop your practical and theoretical skills and knowledge in one Faculty of Arts listed major area of study. You will learn to critically analyse, apply and communicate an advanced level of understanding of the concepts and theoretical frameworks that constitute the knowledge base of the area of study.

Part B. Arts specified study

This will expose you to several arts disciplines contributing breadth to your knowledge of the arts, humanities and social sciences. You will have the flexibility of  learning about several areas of study before finalising your choice of major.  You will also build skills and abilities that employers value and seek by completing units from the Professional Futures domains. 

Arts electives

Arts elective units can be combined into a minor of study different to the chosen major from Part A and with no more than 12 credit points at level 1. You can also use this space to hone your academic and professional skills with an internship or a range of practical units. See Arts enrichment and Monash Intercultural Lab list of units to discover the breadth of options available.

Course progression map

The course progression map provides guidance on unit enrolment for each semester of study.

Please refer to this guide when choosing the appropriate level one mathematics and statistics unit.

192 credit points

Science component96 credit points
Arts component96 credit points

Alternative exit(s)

You may be eligible to exit the double degree program and graduate with either a Bachelor of Science (S2000) or a Bachelor of Arts (A2000) after three years, depending on the units studied.

If you wish to graduate with a Bachelor of Science (S2000) prior to the completion of the double degree you must have completed at least 144 credit points of studies, including all of the requirements in Part A and B for the Bachelor of Science degree.

If you wish to graduate with a Bachelor of Arts (A2000) prior to the completion of the double degree you must have completed at least 144 credit points of studies, including all of the requirements in Part A and B for the Bachelor of Arts degree.

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