Requirements for progressing to honours and other further studies
You must meet the entry requirements for S3701 Bachelor of Science (Honours) or meet the progression requirements to the fourth year of S3002 Bachelor of Science Advanced - Research (Honours).
You must also complete prerequisite study as per the intended discipline. Refer to the honours prerequisites table.
Learning outcomes
In addition to achieving the broad outcomes of your course, and successfully completing this area of study, you will be able to:
demonstrate a thorough understanding of the broad principles of genetics and genomics and their application through suitable approaches and methodologies at the molecular, cellular, organismal and population levels
demonstrate advanced practical skills in contemporary experimental methods such as recombinant DNA techniques, gene expression analysis, genetic breeding experiments, analysis of transgenic organisms, genotyping methods, the use of modern laboratory equipment, databank searching, network analysis and the application of bioinformatic and genomic approaches
design laboratory or computer-based genetics experiments, incorporating the principles of effective experimental design and suitable methods for collecting, analysing, visualising and interpreting resultant data