
Artificial intelligence is used by engineers to develop driverless vehicles, meaningful human-machine interaction and image recognition. This minor allows engineers to develop new designs involving robotics, deep learning, computer vision and autonomous vehicles. AvailabilityCLAYTON OFFERING The Artificial intelligence in engineering minor in Clayton campus is available only to students enrolled … For more content click the Read More button below. MALAYSIA OFFERING The Artificial intelligence in engineering minor in Malaysia campus is available only to students enrolled in the Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) (E3001), specialising in Mechanical engineering, Electrical and computer systems engineering or Robotics and mechatronics engineering (Automation stream). The minor is not available to the Chemical engineering, Civil engineering, Robotics and mechatronics engineering (Artificial Intelligence stream) and Software engineering specialisations in Malaysia.

24 credit points

Clayton24 credit points
Malaysia24 credit points



Dr Joanne Lim
Associate Professor Mehrtash Tafazzoli Harandi