
Loads and load paths for multi-storey building structures, including wind load. Design of composite steel-concrete floor systems, beam-columns and footings. Appropriate structural analysis manual techniques for the determination of forces and displacements in structures. Relationship between structural analysis software and these manual techniques. Emphasis on performance issues for buildings, including … For more content click the Read More button below.




Chief Examiner(s)

Professor Yu Bai

Unit Coordinator(s)

Professor Yu Bai
Dr Kong Sih Ying

Learning outcomes

On successful completion of this unit, you should be able to:

Describe and apply the limit state design philosophy to calculate loads appropriate to each limit state.


Determine the global structural behaviour of building frames, identifying the role of each component.


Analyse structural behaviour using a combination of computer and hand analysis approaches.


Design the members and connections for composite floor steel-framed building structures.


Generate a high-quality technical report as part of a group to summarise the design of a building structure.

Teaching approach

Problem-based learning

Assessment summary

Continuous assessment: 40%
Final assessment: 60%

This unit contains hurdle requirements that you must achieve to be able to pass the unit. You are required to achieve at least 45% in the total continuous assessment component and at least 45% in the final assessment component. The consequence of not achieving a hurdle requirement is a fail grade (NH) and a maximum mark of 45 for the unit.


1 - Practice problems: Sets 1 to 5
2 - Project: Stage 1
3 - Project: Stage 2
4 - Final assessment

Scheduled and non-scheduled teaching activities

Practical activities

Workload requirements


Learning resources

Required resources

Other unit costs

The following item is mandatory for practical aspects of the unit and should be purchased at your own cost as you will be reusing them throughout your course.

  • Calculator

Availability in areas of study

E3001 Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) - Specialisation: Civil engineering