In this unit you will undertake a science internship of 144 to 160 hours duration, where you will put into practice the knowledge and skills developed in your course. The internship experience will give you hands-on, real world exposure to the workplace environment and will supplement your academic growth to … For more content click the Read More button below.
Pre-placement workshops run by the Work-Integrated Learning (WIL) team will support your preparation for the placement and develop an understanding of science-based professions, the work culture, and the skills and attributes required for the workplace. Weekly workshops during your internship will enhance your personal and professional brand.
You have two options to source your internship. With the approval of the Unit Coordinator and the Work Integrated Learning team, you can source your own internship host. Alternatively, you can apply for a Monash sourced placement, which is a competitive process.
Enrolment Rule
Chief Examiner(s)
Dr Rosemarie Herbert
Unit Coordinator(s)
Dr Rosemarie Herbert
An application is required to enrol in this internship unit.
Please note you require permission of the unit coordinator and the Faculty of Science if you want to enrol in 30 credit points (including the Internship unit) in Semester 1 or Semester 2, or you would like to enrol in additional summer or winter unit/s with the Internship unit.
Learning outcomes
On successful completion of this unit, you should be able to:
Demonstrate the knowledge, skills and attributes required for the professional workplace in a relevant science or applied science setting;
Analyse professional skills through critical reflective practice and create a plan to improve an under-developed skill in the context of work-readiness and career planning;
Actively seek out and act upon constructive feedback;
Review and reflect on the insights gained from the immersion in a professional setting, and the impact of this experience on career development;
Create a deliverable and communicate effectively using oral, written and visual forms to peers, academics and placement supervisors.
Teaching approach
Industry-based learning
1 - Internship plan
2 - Reflective portfolio
3 - Interview with a professional
4 - Oral presentation
5 - Final project
Scheduled and non-scheduled teaching activities
Workload requirements