
This unit examines the key theory, frameworks and practical approaches used in contemporary health promotion and occupational therapy practice to address health inequalities, prevent illness and injury, and promote health and wellbeing. You will examine a range of health promotion strategies, their strengths, limitations, and application in clinical care and … For more content click the Read More button below.


Enrolment Rule


Chief Examiner(s)

Ms Kate Gledhill

Unit Coordinator(s)

Professor Ted Brown
Ms Kate Gledhill

Assessment summary

Assessment in this unit includes hurdle assessment tasks. Failure of any hurdle assessment task may result in failure of the unit.


1 - Critical appraisal (4,000 words)
2 - Survey design report (2,000 words per student)
3 - Oral presentation (15 mins with 5 mins question time)
4 - Test (2 x 1.5 hours class tests)

Scheduled and non-scheduled teaching activities


Workload requirements
