Chief Examiner(s)
Unit Coordinator(s)
You have the option of undertaking your research project in approved external institutions including CSIRO, university laboratories outside the School of Chemistry, companies with appropriate resources and facilities. In some cases, the external institution might be the employer of the student. Appropriate external supervision or equivalent arrangements needs to be demonstrated, and will coordinate with the Monash academic supervisor. Approval must be given by the unit coordinator for such arrangements.
Learning outcomes
Critically analyse, evaluate and integrate research and other relevant literature;
Formulate a research hypothesis and effective objectives that can be addressed through appropriate research question;
Conceptualise, design and manage an independent research project;
Conduct independent and ethical research, applying sound principles of study design and appropriate data analysis methods;
Develop a sound and logical argument through correctly analysing, interpreting and presenting evidence to support or reject a research hypothesis;
Demonstrate advanced academic writing skills by producing a thesis and/or manuscripts appropriate for publication in the field of chemistry;
Clearly communicate the implications and applications of the research to the broader society.