Actuarial studies applies mathematical and statistical methods to assess risk in insurance, finance and other industries. As a graduate of actuarial studies you will be able to seek employment in finance and business fields dealing with life, general or health insurance, superannuation, risk management and financial consulting. Many actuaries and … For more content click the Read More button below.
Refer to the Monash Business School professional recognition page for information about specific units that may be required for professional recognition.
Actuarial studies is listed in the Bachelor of Commerce at Clayton as a major and minor.
Learning outcomes
In addition to achieving the broad outcomes of your course, and successfully completing this area of study, you will be able to:
Identify, analyse and quantify risk and opportunity using mathematical, econometric and financial analyses in a wide range of business settings
48 credit points
Core units30 credit points
Additional actuarial studies units18 credit points