
Quantum physics is at the core of physics and this unit provides a basis for understanding key quantum concepts, applications and associated phenomena. Thermal physics aims to understand how energy resides in matter as thermal energy, how energy moves irreversibly as heat between bodies at different temperatures, and how heat … For more content click the Read More button below. Quantum mechanics: the domain of quantum mechanics; particle and wave description; the Schrodinger equation, energy, momentum and angular momentum as operators, expectation values and stationary states; one-dimensional scattering and potentials, including the quantum oscillator, quantum mechanical tunnelling and quantum technologies; Heisenberg's uncertainty principle, the hydrogen atom; the Pauli exclusion principle and the periodic table; entanglement and Bell's theorem; introduction to quantum information. Thermal physics: review of heat, work and internal (thermal) energy, phase transitions, latent heats and heat capacities; the inadequacy of heat capacities as a basis for thermometry; statistical descriptions of a macroscopic physical system: microstates, macrostates, multiplicity and entropy; the second law of thermodynamics; absolute temperature related to entropy; pressure related to entropy; review of PV diagrams and work in thermodynamics, especially as applied to ideal gases; adiabatic and isothermal processes; introduction to engines and the Carnot cycle; examples of thermodynamic cycles in applications; heat pumps and refrigerators; the Helmholtz free energy and an introduction to the Maxwell-Boltzmann distribution, the exponential atmosphere and Boltzmann factors; inter alia Maxwell's daemon, the thermodynamics of computation and the heat death of the Universe.




Enrolment Rule


Chief Examiner(s)

Dr Scott Findlay

Unit Coordinator(s)

Dr Scott Findlay
Dr Istvan Laszlo

Learning outcomes

On successful completion of this unit, you should be able to:

Describe and perform calculations appropriate to key concepts in quantum mechanics, including the foundations of quantum mechanics and a wide variety of quantum systems in 1D, 2D and 3D;


Describe and perform calculations related to thermal physics and statistical thermodynamics, including a foundational understanding of temperature, energy, heat and work, and its applications to heat pumps and engines, entropy and information;


Apply numerical modelling to solve problems in quantum mechanics and thermal physics;


Demonstrate awareness of scientific computing methods and visualization;


Acquire, manipulate and interpret physical data and write scientific reports at a level suitable for publication.

Assessment summary

Examination (3 hours and 10 minutes): 40%
Assignments, quizzes and computational workshops: 30%
Laboratory work: 30%

Workload requirements


Other unit costs

Costs are indicative and subject to change.
Scientific non- programmable calculator Required - $30
Miscellaneous items required (Printing, Stationery) - $20

Availability in areas of study
