Chief Examiner(s)
Unit Coordinator(s)
This unit is offered in alternate years commencing Semester 2, 2019.
Learning outcomes
Synthetise advanced mathematical knowledge in the basic theory of fundamental PDEs.
Interpret the construction of generalised functions (distribution) and how it relates to modern notions of derivative and function spaces.
Synthetise techniques and properties of Fourier Analysis.
Apply sophisticated Fourier analysis methods to problems in PDEs and related fields.
Apply recent developments in research on PDEs
Assessment summary
Examination (3 hours and 10 minutes): 60% (Hurdle)
Continuous assessment: 40%
Hurdle requirement: If you would otherwise have passed the unit but who do not achieve at least 45% of the marks available for the end-of-semester examination will receive a Hurdle Fail (NH) grade and a mark of 45 on your transcript.