The three major components of the environment, air, soil and water, are considered. Environmental issues related to energy are outlined. Soils: natural, constituents, properties; chemical processes; organic matter; fertility; acidity; salinity; remediation. Water: major components; nutrient pollution including consequences and tracing methods; water treatment including sewage treatment, drinking water treatment … For more content click the Read More button below.
Enrolment Rule
Chief Examiner(s)
Professor Philip Wai Hong Chan
Unit Coordinator(s)
Professor Perran Cook
Assessment summary
Examination (2 hours and 10 minutes): 50%
Laboratory assessment: 30% (Hurdle)
Assignments: 20%
Hurdle requirement: If you would otherwise have passed the unit but you do not achieve at least 45% in the laboratory practical component you will receive a Hurdle Fail (NH) grade and a mark of 45 on your transcript.
Supplementary assessment is not available for the lab practical component.
Workload requirements
Other unit costs
Costs are indicative and subject to change.
Lab coat required - $35, safety glasses $8, Lab book $3.00
Availability in areas of study