Chief Examiner(s)
Unit Coordinator(s)
You should contact potential supervisors prior to the semester of study to organise a research project supervisor in an area that you are interested in. You can also contact the unit coordinator for guidance if they are having trouble finding an appropriate supervisor.
Learning outcomes
Demonstrate an ability to synthesise and critically evaluate relevant scientific literature associated with the research project;
Plan aspects of a research project and manage project timelines;
Communicate effectively, both in written and oral formats, with your supervisor, colleagues and other project-related staff;
Demonstrate clear record-keeping skills of the work completed;
Demonstrate the ability to generate, collate or access appropriate data and analyse and interpret data using appropriate methods;
Communicate scientific research findings via oral presentations and written reports.
Teaching approach
Scheduled and non-scheduled teaching activities
Workload requirements
Other unit costs
Depending on the research project, you may be required to purchase additional items such as:
- Lab coat $35
- Safety glasses $8
- Lab book or log book $3