Chief Examiner(s)
Unit Coordinator(s)
Learning outcomes
Describe the fundamental characteristics of solar irradiance, including the wavelength and frequency, energy levels and position in the sky (zenith and azimuth angles).
Describe the functionality and evaluate the relative benefits of concentrating solar thermal energy plant compared to solar PV and other energy technologies.
Demonstrate how a solar photovoltaic cell works, including the principles of semi-conductors, bandgap energy, PN junctions and measures of PV cell efficiency.
Evaluate the role of PV and solar thermal technologies in the energy market, now and into the future.
Design solar-based energy system configurations for a range of scales and scenarios from household to national markets.
Teaching approach
Assessment summary
Continuous assessment: 50%
Final assessment: 50%
This unit contains threshold hurdle requirements that you must achieve to be able to pass the unit. You are required to achieve at least 45% in the total continuous assessment component and at least 45% in the final assessment component. The consequence of not achieving a hurdle requirement is a fail grade (NH) and a maximum mark of 45 for the unit.
Scheduled and non-scheduled teaching activities
Workload requirements
Learning resources
Availability in areas of study
Minor: Renewable energy engineering