This unit must be completed if you are enrolled in any Faculty of Art, Design and Architecture course or unit, and you should complete it as soon as possible after commencing study. It is an online Moodle module which will take approximately 15 minutes to complete. You will be sent email reminders about completing it and may be encumbered if you do not complete it.
Learning outcomes
Demonstrate an understanding of the nature of health and safety in the workplace, community expectations, and the relevant legislation;
Demonstrate that you are conversant with procedures for dealing with emergencies;
Understand the terms hazard, risk, risk assessment, and risk management, and have an understanding of the procedures for assessing and managing risk;
Identify the main types of hazard which may be encountered in studios and workshops - chemical, physical, and biological;
Demonstrate an understanding of the importance of controlling risk and how this is done.
Teaching approach
Assessment summary
100% in-semester assessment. Pass grade only.