This unit provides an introduction to graph theory, which is the mathematics of networks. Topics covered include trees, Eulerian tours, Hamiltonian cycles, shortest path problem, bipartite graphs, matchings, graph colouring, max-flow problem, graph connectivity, independent sets, planarity, random graphs. Applications to a variety of the sciences will be presented. You … For more content click the Read More button below.
Enrolment Rule
Chief Examiner(s)
Professor David Wood
Unit Coordinator(s)
Professor David Wood
MTH3170 Network Mathematics and MTH3175 Network Mathematics (Advanced) share the same content and seminars. The tutorials and assessment are different. MTH3170 emphasises algorithms (while not neglecting proofs), while MTH3175 emphasises proofs (while not neglecting algorithms). MTH3175 is more for students doing a major in mathematics, especially for those aiming to do honours in mathematics. MTH3170 is for all mathematically capable students, including those doing degrees in Science, Education, or Computer Science."
1 - Continuous assessment
2 - Final assessment - Exam (3 hours and 10 minutes)
Scheduled and non-scheduled teaching activities
Applied sessions
Workload requirements
Availability in areas of study
Minor in Mathematics
Major in Mathematics
Extended major in Mathematics
Major in Pure mathematics
Extended major in Pure mathematics
Extended major in Applied mathematics
Applied studies (Discrete mathematics) in the Bachelor of Applied Data Science
Major in Computer science (approval pending)
Major in Mathematics
Extended major in Mathematics
Major in Pure mathematics
Extended major in Pure mathematics
Extended major in Applied mathematics
Applied studies (Discrete mathematics) in the Bachelor of Applied Data Science
Major in Computer science (approval pending)