Chief Examiner(s)
Unit Coordinator(s)
Learning outcomes
Understand the basic concepts of probability including conditioning and independence, univariate and multivariate probability distributions, expectations, generating functions and limit theorems;
Appreciate the relevance of probability models to a variety of areas including Science, Engineering, Actuarial Science and Finance;
Derive means, variances, moments and distributions in a variety of univariate and multivariate contexts;
Use conditioning and moment generating functions to solve a variety of problems involving two or more events or random variables;
Understand the way random numbers are generated;
Formulate in probabilistic terms real-life situations involving uncertainty.
Scheduled and non-scheduled teaching activities
Workload requirements
Learning resources
Other unit costs
Costs are indicative and subject to change.
Miscellaneous items required (unit course reader, printing, stationery) - $120
Availability in areas of study
Financial and insurance mathematics
Mathematical statistics
Pure mathematics