
In this unit you will learn how historical, political & social factors impact on quality measurement in health care; the relationship of industrial and health care quality monitoring; epidemiological and statistical quality measurement principles; the strengths and limitations of current monitoring techniques; different sources of health care quality data; principles … For more content click the Read More button below. You will appreciate the complexities in designing, implementing and evaluating quality improvement programs in the clinical setting. The content aligns well with other management units in the program such as MPH5266 (Clinical Leadership and Management) and MPH5020 (Introduction to Biostatistics and Epidemiology). It is a core unit of the Graduate Diploma and Master of Health Services Management.




Enrolment Rule


Chief Examiner(s)

Adjunct Associate Professor Margaret Way

Unit Coordinator(s)

Adjunct Associate Professor Margaret Way

Assessment summary

Assessment in this unit includes hurdle assessment tasks. Failure of any hurdle assessment task may result in failure of the unit.


1 - Critical reflections (5 x 480 words each. Total 2,400 words)
2 - Letter to the editor (Letter x 600 words and supporting rationale x 600 words)
3 - Written report (2,400 words)

Scheduled and non-scheduled teaching activities


Workload requirements


Learning resources

Required resources