
The Global Immersion Guarantee is a funded, field-work centred unit exploring the links between the environment, society and technology. Drawing on and experiencing in-country case studies as examples, you will travel to one of nine locations including China, Fiji, India, Indonesia, Italy, Malaysia, Samoa, Vanuatu or Vietnam. During your time … For more content click the Read More button below. You will be required to complete work prior to, during and after your time overseas. This work will combine online and face-to-face learning and engagement. Before you go, you will undertake a series of online lessons on Moodle that will help you develop your problem framing and reframing skills, your intercultural competence, the theoretical concepts you will apply while overseas, and a good introductory understanding of the country you will be visiting. While overseas, you will engage with, and learn from, local organisations leading solutions to sustainability challenges. You will complete a series of lectures and seminars, and draw on field work to complete an in-country group assessment. After your immersion experience, you will need to complete two major assessment tasks that will prompt you to reflect on your overall experience, and to apply the theoretical frameworks examined in each location.




Enrolment Rule


Chief Examiner(s)

Dr Gabriel Garcia Ochoa

Unit Coordinator(s)

Dr Sarah Gosper


  • This unit was previously coded ATS2992
  • This unit is an international study program that requires an application to be enrolled.
  • The unit may be offered in Winter semester and also as part of the Summer Arts Program
  • This is an Arts enrichment unit.
  • This is a Bachelor of Arts - Professional Futures unit.
  • Not all countries are available each year or across all travel time blocks. If you're unable to go to one of the countries, we'll place you in another country.

Learning outcomes

On successful completion of this unit, you should be able to:

recognise and explain the key ideas, themes and concepts of development and sustainability in relation to your GIG location.


assess the role, intent, and interaction of local and regional stakeholders in relation to the sustainability challenge explored in your GIG location;


work collaboratively to apply interdisciplinary knowledge in the interpretation and solution of real-world issues;


communicate effectively in both written and oral formats;


reflect and apply your own intercultural competency skills.


 frame and reframe a problem with clarity.

Teaching approach

Active learning

Assessment summary

Within semester assessment: 100%


1 - Quiz
2 - Reflection
3 - Case study
4 - Group presentation
5 - E-Folio
6 - Proposal

Scheduled and non-scheduled teaching activities

Practical activities

Workload requirements


Availability in areas of study

Arts enrichment units