Chief Examiner(s)
Unit Coordinator(s)
Learning outcomes
Describe the structure, function, physiology, growth and interactions of the major groups of microbes;
Explain and apply the principles of microbial genetics, regulation and mechanisms of genetic variation;
Explain why microorganisms underlie ecosystem formation, biogeochemical cycling and the health of plants and animals;
Propose and evaluate how microbiology can be used to address global challenges in food production, climate mitigation and adaptation, pollutant remediation, human health, and clean manufacturing;
Apply PC2 compliance and professional behaviours, and demonstrate key microbiological laboratory skills such as isolation and aseptic culture of microbes, microscopy, and identification of common microbes;
Demonstrate effective team collaboration skills and written and oral communication of microbial concepts and experiments.
Teaching approach
Assessment summary
A threshold hurdle applies across the combined total of the Theme tests and the Examination. You must achieve at least 45% of the marks available to meet the hurdle requirement.