
This unit is an introduction to biomedical engineering from the perspective of implantable medical devices. Topics include human physiology for engineers, principles of implantable medical devices, implantable cardiac devices, modelling of fluid flow, implantable sensors, application of control systems, biomedically relevant properties and phenomena, medical device development strategies, and medical … For more content click the Read More button below.




Chief Examiner(s)

Dr Josie Carberry

Unit Coordinator(s)

Dr Josie Carberry

Learning outcomes

On successful completion of this unit, you should be able to:

Analyse human physiology from the perspective of engineering to develop insights into implantable medical devices.


Draw on the underlying principles of operation of various implantable devices in a medical and scientific research context to design creative solutions for the next generation of medical devices.


Analyse the practical implementations and technical characteristics of various implantable medical devices to meet the requirements of human physiology.


Design and justify implementations of innovative medical technology, considering the technical, legal, health, safety, user and commercial requirements and limitations.


Engage a team to generate clear, concise and high-quality documentation and reports for oral and written communications of complex integrated ideas.

Teaching approach

Simulation or virtual practice
Active learning
Problem-based learning
Research activities

Assessment summary

Continuous assessment: 70%

Final assessment: 30%

This unit contains threshold hurdle requirement that you must achieve to be able to pass the unit. You are required to achieve at least 45% in the total continuous assessment component and at least 45% in the final assessment component. The consequence of not achieving a hurdle requirement is a fail grade (NH) and a maximum mark of 45 for the unit.


1 - Stage 1: Proposal
2 - Stage 2: Progress report
3 - Stage 3: Pitch solution
4 - Stage 4: Final report
5 - Final assessment

Scheduled and non-scheduled teaching activities

Practical activities

Workload requirements


Other unit costs

The following item is mandatory for practical aspects of the unit and should be purchased at your own cost as you will be reusing them throughout your course:

  • Calculator

Availability in areas of study

E3001 Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) - Specialisation: Biomedical engineering
Minor: Medical technology